Implementing an RPA What benefits does it add to my company?

The RPA, and “bots”, are software programs that can be configured to do digital work. They are not just simple chat bots; they are an indispensable digital workforce in digitization.

The RPA for its acronym in English Robotic Process Automation which translates into robotic process automation, now, what is this at a business level? It is to simplify, facilitate and optimize the time of the team, empowering it, going from occupying its time in redundant tasks, to that of intelligent positions, managing to optimize the business process, and not losing sight of the productivity factor.

In addition to being a tool that accelerates the digital transformation in your company, it streamlines systems through bots* that can learn, imitate and then execute business processes based on the identity of your business, and here is one of the pluses of this implementation, and it is that it can add dynamism, vocabulary and ways of being to provide a more exclusive experience to each user. 

People as the central axis of change

Al considerar implementaciones de RPA, la atención convencionalmente se enfoca en la formulación de los planes estratégicos y tácticos óptimos para la automatización, lo que podría describirse como una orientación hacia el interés predominante de los robots. Sin embargo, para alcanzar el éxito, también es crucial tomar en cuenta el elemento humano, que implica alinear la cultura, los valores, las personas y los comportamientos de la empresa, con el fin de fomentar los resultados deseados. Las personas juegan un rol fundamental en el proceso de cambio.

A pesar de que los beneficios de la RPA abarcan diversas áreas, la propuesta de valor generada por las implementaciones de RPA no puede materializarse sin las acciones continuas y colaborativas de las personas encargadas del diseño, ejecución y adaptación al entorno transformado. Los equipos de liderazgo que no cuenten con un plan de gestión del cambio podrían encontrarse cuestionándose por qué sus planes más prometedores han experimentado desviaciones.

What industry is implementation transforming? 

Se podría afirmar que el impacto es generalizado, ya que de una forma u otra, la automatización mediante RPA agiliza y simplifica los procesos en diversas áreas. No obstante, hay ciertas industrias que experimentan mayores beneficios a través de su implementación, y estas son:

  • Logistics.
  • Retail commerce
  • health care
  • Banking
  • insurance
  • Retail

Main Benefits of Implementing RPA

The benefits that companies would add to their business by implementing RPA solutions, in general terms, would be the following: 

  • High level of cost savings and immediate return on investment for each process, compared to low implementation costs.
  • Precision.By identifying in detail the deviations in the workflows, errors and reprocessing are avoided, this results in considerable savings from rework, the quality of the deliverables is increased and the image of your company in the market and its clients is improved.
  • Productivity: Robots work 24x7. By delegating routine tasks to them, people can use their skills to add value to customers.
  • Low cost of ownership (TCO). These platforms are compatible with all current technologies, with a low level of internal training, easy to learn and simple to implement.

At ITPS ONE we recommend:

#Rocketbot a platform with which it is possible to design and execute a robot or “bots” 30% faster than with other #RPA providers.

Lo que más nos agrada de Rocketbot is that its mission is: "to democratize and accelerate the transformation processes of companies, optimizing the ROI of clients, with low-cost licenses"and capable of being one of the main reasons why it is the first Latin American #RPA platform to appear in Gartner.

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