CISO as a Service: the solution to your cybersecurity needs

Are you prepared to protect your organization's information assets during your business path to digital transformation? Are you aligned with the latest trends and up to date with the growing cyber threats? And, most importantly, are you prepared to manage a cyber-attack should one occur? 

If the answer to any of these questions is "no," it is time to consider hiring a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). CISO por sus siglas en inglés.  

The CIOS oversees the safety and security of company data and aims to align business goals with information security goals. Generally, a C-suite executive performs this role, but a group of professionals may also oversee these responsibilities. This position may be internal to the organization or even external service. 

Pero… ¿Qué pasa si no dispones de los recursos económicos o humanos necesarios para tener a un CISO in-house? La respuesta es sencilla: optá por un CISO as a Service

Having a CISOaaS can help you adapt your organization's security needs to your company's particularities and ease the achievement of security goals within the deadlines.  

This service extends the traditional approach and enables small and medium-sized companies to face cyber-attacks on a level playing field. 

It's possible to update the CISO's responsibilities to be in line with changes and developments in your company and include the generation and deployment of information security policies, oversight of information access control management, information security compliance, control of the organization's incident response team, management of security testing, among others. 

In short, the CISOaaS will become the catalyst for your company's cybersecurity goals. It also will help you protect your organization's information assets, keep your cybersecurity strategy up-to-date and be prepared to manage any unexpected cyber-attack. a mantener actualizada tu estrategia de ciberseguridad y a estar preparado para gestionar cualquier ciberataque que se presente.  

At ITPS ONEwe offer preventive and comprehensive strategies implemented from anywhere in the world. Did you know about this alternative to face the constantly evolving risk scenario?

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